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traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)


A total of 74,187 confirmed patients, which account for 91.5 percent of the total infections on the Chinese mainland, have been administered traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) as part of their treatment, and over 90 percent of them have shown improvement during clinical observation, according to Yu Yanhong, Party secretary and top official of the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine.中医药局党组书记余艳红介绍,全国新冠肺炎确诊病例中有74187人使用了中医药,占91.5%,从临床疗效观察来看,中医药总有效率达90%以上。

TCM has effectively relieved symptoms, cut the rate of patients developing into severe conditions, raised the recovery rate, reduced the mortality rate and boosted patients' recovery, Yu said.余艳红表示,中医药能够有效缓解症状;能够减少轻型普通型向重型发展;能够提高治愈率、降低病亡率;能够促进患者康复。


余艳红说,此次新冠肺炎疫情,在早期没有特效药、没有疫苗的情况下,总结中医药治疗病毒性传染病规律和经验,深入发掘古代经典名方,结合临床实践,形成了中医药治疗新冠肺炎的诊疗方案和中西医结合的“中国方案”(a "Chinese plan" that combines traditional Chinese medicine with western medicine),筛选出金花清感颗粒、连花清瘟胶囊、血必净注射液和清肺排毒汤、化湿败毒方、宣肺败毒方等有明显疗效的“三药三方”为代表的一批有效方药(effective TCM drugs and prescriptions)。

XuanFeiBaiDu Granule can increase the lymphocyte recovery rate by 17 percent and the clinical cure rate by 22 percent in the controlled observation, according to Huang Luqi, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.中国工程院院士黄璐琦研究员说,临床显示,宣肺败毒方在对照观察中可将淋巴细胞恢复率提高17%,临床治愈率提高22%。

Liu Qingquan, head of the Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that two TCM drugs -- Jinhua Qinggan Granule and Lianhua Qingwen Capsule/Granule have proven to be effective in the treatment of mild COVID-19 cases, while Xuebijing Injection can help treat inflammation and coagulation dysfunction.北京中医医院院长刘清泉教授说,已经显示出金花清感和连花清瘟这两个药,临床上治疗新冠肺炎的轻型和普通型还是有非常确切的疗效的,血必净注射液针对炎症风暴、凝血功能紊乱等治疗也有很好的疗效。

Zhang Boli, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said that TCM treatment has significantly lowered the proportion of patients whose conditions turned from mild to severe. "None of the 564 patients at the TCM-oriented temporary hospital in Wuhan saw their health condition deteriorating into severe," said Zhang. "We have therefore applied TCM treatment to over 10,000 patients in other makeshift hospitals, and the rate of patients developing into severe conditions were substantially reduced," said Zhang.中国工程院院士张伯礼教授说,中医的方舱医院中,564名患者没有一例转为重症的。取得经验以后,向别的方舱也推广,一万多名患者普遍使用了中药。方舱中医综合治疗,显著降低了由轻症转为重症的比例。


TCM and Western medicine may come from two different medical systems and have different perspectives on health and diseases, but they are both based on the standard of factual clinical efficacy.


The practice of treating COVID-19 patients has proved once again that the precious wisdom left by our TCM ancestors is still practical, effective and economical. We would love to share these valuable experiences and effective treatment methods with all countries.

传统中医 traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)

针灸 acupuncture

艾灸 moxibustion

拔罐 cupping therapy

中草药 Chinese herbal medicine




China Daily热词训练营上线啦!


标签: 中医药在新冠肺炎中的应用 中医药在防治新冠肺炎的作用 中医药在防治新冠的作用
